
Lookup a child tag by name, and retrieve all attributes in a chosen (or default) namespace from it.

This just like using getTag().attributes (or getTag().namespace[...].attributes, or getTag().all.attributes), except if the tag isn't found, it safely returns an empty range instead of a dereferencing null error.

If provided, the attributeNamespace parameter can be either the name of a namespace, or an empty string for the default namespace (the default), or "*" to retreive attributes from all namespaces.

Note that, unlike getAttributes, this doesn't discriminate by the value's type. It simply returns the usual attributes range.

If you'd prefer an exception thrown when the tag isn't found, use expectTag.attributes instead.

class Tag
string attributeNamespace = null


import std.exception;
import sdlang.parser;

auto root = parseSource(`
	foo X=1 X=2

	// getTagAttributes considers this to override the first foo
	foo X1=3 X2="c" namespace:bar=7 X3=4 X4="d"

auto fooAttrs = root.getTagAttributes("foo");
assert( !fooAttrs.empty );
assert( fooAttrs.length == 4 );
assert( fooAttrs[0].name == "X1" && fooAttrs[0].value == Value(3)   );
assert( fooAttrs[1].name == "X2" && fooAttrs[1].value == Value("c") );
assert( fooAttrs[2].name == "X3" && fooAttrs[2].value == Value(4)   );
assert( fooAttrs[3].name == "X4" && fooAttrs[3].value == Value("d") );

fooAttrs = root.getTagAttributes("foo", "namespace");
assert( !fooAttrs.empty );
assert( fooAttrs.length == 1 );
assert( fooAttrs[0].name == "bar" && fooAttrs[0].value == Value(7) );

fooAttrs = root.getTagAttributes("foo", "*");
assert( !fooAttrs.empty );
assert( fooAttrs.length == 5 );
assert( fooAttrs[0].name == "X1"  && fooAttrs[0].value == Value(3)   );
assert( fooAttrs[1].name == "X2"  && fooAttrs[1].value == Value("c") );
assert( fooAttrs[2].name == "bar" && fooAttrs[2].value == Value(7)   );
assert( fooAttrs[3].name == "X3"  && fooAttrs[3].value == Value(4)   );
assert( fooAttrs[4].name == "X4"  && fooAttrs[4].value == Value("d") );

// Tag not found
// If you'd prefer an exception, use `expectTag.attributes` instead.
assert( root.getTagValues("doesnt-exist").empty );
